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Biovision Africa Trust and the Government of Makueni County Signs and MoU to Support Smallholder Farmers in the County
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Dr David Amudavi speaking at a panel discussion during a side event hosted by ICIPE at the Africa Fertilizer and Soil Health Summit 2024 at Kenyatta International Conference Centre (KICC), Nairobi, Kenya
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Panelists pose for group photo shortly after the concluded side event & plenary discussions
during the Africa Fertilizer and Soil Health Summit – Agroecological & Organic Farming Systems In Africa (Side Event)
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BvAT annual staff retreat at Travellers Beach Hotel & Club in Mombasa from 17th to 20th December 2023
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German Embassy Delegation Visit to Biovision Africa Trust (BvAT) on 28th oct 2022

"Strengthening Collaboration with the German Government

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BvAT annual staff retreat at L.Nakuru Flamingo Resort& SPA from 18th - 21st Dec 2022
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10th Anniversary Celebrations
BvAT Team Celebrates it's 10th anniversary during the 1st International conference on Agroecology in 2019 held at Safari Park
Meet Organic Farmers making a difference in Benin under the Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative in Africa.
Review of Kenya’s Nation Seed Policy, Strategy and Investment Plan to integrate Farmer Managed Seed Systems (FMSS).
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BvAT in Numbers

Countries BvAT is working in
Farmers reached through information dissemination
9. 0 M+
Farmers supported to attend trade fairs
Farmers trained on AE/EOA principles and practices

Our Milestones

Number of people reached through awareness creation on AE/EOA
Number of farmers trained on AE/EOA
Number of farmers who have adopted partially/fully A/EOA practices
Number of policies, programmes, plans, strategies, at sub-national, national, regional, and continental mainstreamed/developed to support AE/EOA
Number of markets for organic products supported

Development Partners


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